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Vibrant Living - August 2024

Use smart tech to live your best life at home, plus enjoy all the best summer fruits in one dessert.

Vibrant Living

Finance: Enhance Your Life by Embracing Smart Technology. Smart tech is revolutionizing home life. Whether you're a technophile or a technophobe, we'll walk you through the ways technology can improve your home's safety, comfort and more. Click here to read more.
Knowledge check: What two companies guarantee most home mortgages? (Hint: they sound like they're named after grandparents.) Keep scrolling for the answer.
Recipe: Watermelon Dessert Pizza. When is pizza no longer a pizza? When it's been reimagined as a colorful, flavorful combination of fresh fruit and coconut cream. Trust us, you won't miss the sauce, cheese or dough. Click here to read more.

Knowledge check answer: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. These government-sponsored enterprises buy mortgages from lenders and then bundle them into securities that are sold to investors. This frees up money for lenders to fund more loans, and it creates a relatively low-risk security for investors.



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