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Your Guide to April

It’s all in the family with siblings, pets, and Mother Earth.

Passover Begins

Passover celebrates freedom and includes a rich tradition of meals, songs, and stories. Chag Pesach Sameach!



Watch out for stray eggs on your lawn in case the Easter bunny gets a little too enthusiastic! Hopefully he’ll leave lots of jellybeans as well.


Siblings Day

Shout out to the people who love us, tease us, occasionally drive us crazy, but are always there for us, no matter who Mom allegedly loved best.


National Pet Day

Science has proved that pets have a strong positive affect on our mental health (no surprise there), so dole out some extra treats and love today to your furry friends.


World Art Day

Can’t get to a museum? Pick up a paintbrush, charcoal pencils, or just a big box of crayons and express yourself. That’s what art is all about.


Earth Day

This year’s theme of “Invest in Our Planet” encourages actions from sustainable fashion to planting trees. You can also find or create a cleanup event in your area.


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